RICH REVIEWS: The Men from D.A.R.P.A. # 1

Title: The Men from D.A.R.P.A. # 1
Publisher: Ramon Gil
Written & Created by: Ramon Gil
Illustrated by: Cee Raymond
Layout & Breakdowns by: Jeric Acayen
Colors by: Macarena Cortes
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: The sci-fi references come fast and furious here. The Men from D.A.R.P.A. will remind you of The Lone Gunmen from the X-Files.
These four guys immediately will have you on their side and routing for them.
Ward, Isaac, Cody and Quentin make up this group. The guys do have some sci-fi tech which is great to see in action. Rosa, Ward’s “girlfriend” is a cute woman but not as nice as she first seems. Rosa takes off with a top secret object. The guys are geeks but they are smart geeks and they use their intelligence.
Rosa is one smart girl and thief yet against geeks and one with government ties well she has met her match. These guys are not stupid.
The art has its own unique style. The facial expressions are done simple enough yet still convey their feelings.
The four men team as you get to know them you will find yourself caring what happens to each and to the group.

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