RICH REVIEWS: Romulus # 2

Title: Romulus # 2
Publisher: Top Cow
Writer: Bryan Hill
Artist: Nelson Blake II
Letterer: Troy Peteri
Cover by: Nelson Blake II
Created by: Bryan Hill
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: ,
Comments: Ashlar daughter of Axis and last of the wolves. That is a interesting title she has.
Sozo now she dressed in light colors and is cutely drawn. Sozo has a power that proves very useful to her.
A man from the Order attacks Ashlar, Sozo and Nicholas. This attacker is a dark messenger for Ash. There is excitement and thrills as he attacks.
We are left wondering exactly who are these two organizations that are at war. What are each ones agenda.
Ash is would tough woman. She s also a fighter through and through.
The strong female characters are what makes this comic worth reading.

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