Coming August 2019: Frank Thorne’s Ghita Vol II

Frank Thorne’s Ghita: An Erotic Treasury Volume II

In 1978, fresh off his run on Red Sonja, Frank Thorne went on to create the lusty warrior-goddess, Ghita. Originally published by Warren Publishing in 1984/1994. Last year, Hermes Press published the initial volume “Frank Thorne’s Ghita: An Erotic Treasury”, measuring 12” x 18”, scanned in colour from Frank’s original artwork. Showcasing some of Frank’s earliest Ghita artwork, including “Ghita of Alizarr,” character designs, storyboards, portfolio plates, pin-ups, and covers.

Now Ghita’s Adventures Continue…………
Hermes Press is offering the final volume of the Frank Thorne’s Ghita an Erotic Treasury via Kickstarter in two editions, regular and a deluxe (signed by Frank Thorne). Volume II features the final two Ghita stories along with a bevy of extras.  All reproduced from Frank’s original pen and ink originals. You will get to see all the original brush strokes and any corrections made to the originals!
The LE version includes a special numbered plate signed by Frank Thorne!

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